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on tue le temps comme on veux

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Mot de passe oublié ?

in life, there are stuffs you dont let go.
it happens usualy because it just dont feel right to do so.
why is that ?
because it wasnt fair for example. or it didnt make sense so you have to understand.
the only reason you should be giving up something like that is when it would become fair to do so.
i mean if you dont find the answers to satisfy you, why give up ?
in my case, i found the answers i was looking for (through im an exception anyway) but thats not the case for a lot of people.
sometimes, something isnt fair and a person will just go like "bah, i wont stop living because of that, i dont care, lets go on"
i call this kind of thinking "cowardice" because it mean accepting the unfair, and the consequences of those people's life is that their lifes are bound to confront it again and again until their acceptation is complete.
yes, thats mean they totaly accepted being a coward pretending it is for life.
i confronted this all the ways possible to me and because of my influence, my ennemies had no choices but to make mistakes.
if you lie too much, you will just start to contradict yourself, thats how i started to learn from my ennemies, thats how i noticed them in first place actualy and since i kinda was making progress despite the fact that i wasnt able to enjoy my life, i had no reason to stop.

what is living ? being in the herd following like a good sheep ?
sadly, for a lot of people, living is following the mass not caring about a thing.
edit: or caring about what the mass cares, thats even worst.

problems in syria, hostage in algery and soldier sent in mali ?
can someone send the actual president of my country in those countries with their colony surrounding me or others in france, so at least we could take care of our country in first place.
does they grow traitor on a tree those days ?
isnt it no good to mind others business ? thats a good question and the answer depend of the context.

china protect itself
england do the best for itself
germany take its distance
japan is learning
russian was warned but not the way public opinion would think of
usa is confused

a new era ? talk about a good start.
some people think im part of them but they dont get the big picture.

something i wanted to say about my ennemies too.
one of their technic is to put you in the shit and save you from it to seduce you.
i could be accused of doing the same because my saying is paradoxal but if you think so, you better learn what discernment is because you are totaly lost in illusions.
there is a time for everything and i know the timing of my enemies because i was their guinea pig (also because of the influence i can have, of course) through as i see it today, its all just the same but at another scale.

oh and for the record, im writing from my mother's laptop, they just killed my second computer a week ago or something.

Ecrit par noals, le Samedi 19 Janvier 2013, 23:45 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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