Dimanche (14/09/14)
mécanique de la causalité
--> l'influence et le choix
Je suis très attaché à la notion de causalité et au constat
scientifique : « rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme ».
C'est-à-dire que peu importe ce qu’il se passe, un moment donné est la conséquence d’une cause mais aussi la cause d’une conséquence.
Grâce à mes expériences passés ou présentes que l’on considérera comme des causes, j’aurai par exemple la capacité de faire une déduction qui de par son existence provoquera des conséquences au moment présent et à l’avenir.
Je me trouve ainsi centre névralgique de toute l’existence de par mes choix qui eux même victimes d’une infinité de causes ne font de moi qu’une poussière insignifiante.
Peut-on alors choisir notre rôle dans ce paradoxe ?
Si on prend pour exemple l’histoire d’un être humain lambda, de par mon expérience personnelle, je comprends qu’à l’état de nourrisson, la conscience du petit enfant ne sera que très peu développée, ainsi il ne sera pas capable de faire de choix réfléchis ni pour lui, ni pour son environnement, ce dernier se chargeant de cette tâche de manière influente à la place de l’enfant.
L’enfant grandissant sera confronté à toutes sortes de singularités subjectives de par leurs natures personnelles, qui éveilleront une multitude de phénomènes psychiques stimulant ainsi sa compréhension et enrichissant par la même occasion sa conscience.
En conséquence de ses expériences personnelles, l’être humain acquiert alors la capacité de raisonnement et de choix influant sa personne et son environnement.
Ainsi, il est possible d’avoir plus d’influence de par notre compréhension de l’existence et nos choix au lieu d’être influencé par notre environnement de par notre ignorance, nos indécisions ou notre soumission en opposition au courage et à la volonté qu’il faut pour combattre certaines influences.
Y a-t-il donc une limite à l’influence que peut avoir un être humain ?
Même si l’être humain a le choix, parfois il ne choisit pas ne serait-ce que de par les limites physiques de son corps ou de par son vécu qu’il n’aura pas forcément eu la possibilité de choisir, et c’est donc qu’une conscience supérieure et donc plus influente que la sienne aura choisi à sa place.
Ainsi, cette conscience supérieur deviendra en soi comme une singularité que l’être humain devra tenter de comprendre pour ainsi faire évoluer sa propre conscience et regagner sa capacité à avoir des choix influents pour sa personne et son environnement, ce qui revient à dire que l’être humain devra comprendre la logique derrière les aléas de sa vie pour ensuite choisir par exemple de les éviter ou non.
En conséquence, l’être humain aura toujours une compréhension et donc une influence limitée par les conséquences de celle-ci, d’où la faillibilité de l’homme car la justice existentiel n’agira pas en fonction de valeurs ou d’une certaine morale mais dans un souci d’équilibre.
Ainsi l’être humain ne peut choisir qu’entre deux solutions, l’une étant de se conformer à une certaine harmonie avec la causalité pour ne pas dire sa propre vie*, l’autre étant d’aller à son encontre.
Mais peut-on vraiment considérer la causalité comme une conscience ou une volonté ?
Oui, pourquoi devrait-on considérer le corps humain ou le cerveau humain autrement que mécaniquement ?
*ce qui ne veut pas dire être en harmonie avec notre société moderne, je tiens à le préciser.
edit: et la réponse est 42. lol
« rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transmet » est plus adéquate.
C'est-à-dire que peu importe ce qu’il se passe, un moment donné est la conséquence d’une cause mais aussi la cause d’une conséquence.
Grâce à mes expériences passés ou présentes que l’on considérera comme des causes, j’aurai par exemple la capacité de faire une déduction qui de par son existence provoquera des conséquences au moment présent et à l’avenir.
Je me trouve ainsi centre névralgique de toute l’existence de par mes choix qui eux même victimes d’une infinité de causes ne font de moi qu’une poussière insignifiante.
Peut-on alors choisir notre rôle dans ce paradoxe ?
Si on prend pour exemple l’histoire d’un être humain lambda, de par mon expérience personnelle, je comprends qu’à l’état de nourrisson, la conscience du petit enfant ne sera que très peu développée, ainsi il ne sera pas capable de faire de choix réfléchis ni pour lui, ni pour son environnement, ce dernier se chargeant de cette tâche de manière influente à la place de l’enfant.
L’enfant grandissant sera confronté à toutes sortes de singularités subjectives de par leurs natures personnelles, qui éveilleront une multitude de phénomènes psychiques stimulant ainsi sa compréhension et enrichissant par la même occasion sa conscience.
En conséquence de ses expériences personnelles, l’être humain acquiert alors la capacité de raisonnement et de choix influant sa personne et son environnement.
Ainsi, il est possible d’avoir plus d’influence de par notre compréhension de l’existence et nos choix au lieu d’être influencé par notre environnement de par notre ignorance, nos indécisions ou notre soumission en opposition au courage et à la volonté qu’il faut pour combattre certaines influences.
Y a-t-il donc une limite à l’influence que peut avoir un être humain ?
Même si l’être humain a le choix, parfois il ne choisit pas ne serait-ce que de par les limites physiques de son corps ou de par son vécu qu’il n’aura pas forcément eu la possibilité de choisir, et c’est donc qu’une conscience supérieure et donc plus influente que la sienne aura choisi à sa place.
Ainsi, cette conscience supérieur deviendra en soi comme une singularité que l’être humain devra tenter de comprendre pour ainsi faire évoluer sa propre conscience et regagner sa capacité à avoir des choix influents pour sa personne et son environnement, ce qui revient à dire que l’être humain devra comprendre la logique derrière les aléas de sa vie pour ensuite choisir par exemple de les éviter ou non.
En conséquence, l’être humain aura toujours une compréhension et donc une influence limitée par les conséquences de celle-ci, d’où la faillibilité de l’homme car la justice existentiel n’agira pas en fonction de valeurs ou d’une certaine morale mais dans un souci d’équilibre.
Ainsi l’être humain ne peut choisir qu’entre deux solutions, l’une étant de se conformer à une certaine harmonie avec la causalité pour ne pas dire sa propre vie*, l’autre étant d’aller à son encontre.
Mais peut-on vraiment considérer la causalité comme une conscience ou une volonté ?
Oui, pourquoi devrait-on considérer le corps humain ou le cerveau humain autrement que mécaniquement ?
*ce qui ne veut pas dire être en harmonie avec notre société moderne, je tiens à le préciser.
edit: et la réponse est 42. lol
« rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transmet » est plus adéquate.
Ecrit par noals, a 04:14 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Mercredi (27/08/14)
in fact
"en fait, je crois que le problème de l'humanité actuelle, c'est qu'elle s'est
enfoncée tellement profondément dans la merde qu'elle ne peut plus s'aider
elle-même dans le présent ni même profiter du présent. si elle veut
réellement améliorer les choses concrètement, elle est obligée de
sacrifier son présent pour un meilleur avenir de la même manière que
sont avenir a été sacrifié pendant des millénaires pour un prétendu
meilleur présent.
quel naïveté !"
quel naïveté !"
Ecrit par noals, a 12:00 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Samedi (05/04/14)
brain-raped slaves
--> forced conformism consequences.
the truth hidden in hell, the spirit ruled by crap.
"what a wonderfull world".
"what a wonderfull world".
Ecrit par noals, a 05:41 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Vendredi (07/03/14)
sunday / censorship
i noticed that one of my article "sunday" has been deleted, maybe more.
it was an article explaining the real purpose of sunday from my point of view, i was saying that it could be any day depending on your own schedule, your way of living, and that the break it represent could be anything good or bad depending on your habits.
anyway, i dont really want to rewrite the whole article, im sure the original was ok and in harmony with all my blog but peoples delete, erase and censor.
i have backups so im pretty sure i have it somewhere but i wont look for it.
you want to delete my stuff ? i guess you have something to hide.
i could say that the content of this article was explaining the mistake of buddha, so do the same mistake ever and ever again until this world is so rotten and unbalanced that it... well thats maybe just already the case anyway.
things was written more than 2000 years ago so if you truly think you can control anything right now plus against me, you dont value your hope man.
-yes, thats exactly the point. lol.
i wonder why people are wasting their time on my blog reading the nobody i am, huh ?
you just helped me killing my time a little more.
well im up for a little random time
the wall, its so big im like a child in front of it reading all the bullshit.
they should do a movie where the hero die and then its remplaced by another hero that die at its turn, etc... well they could do a tv show out of this concept.
each episode a hero die, arent there lot of way to die, could be interesting.
i should write scripts but im too lazy. copyrights noals 2014 and beyond lol.
did you seized the moment ? yes the one you missed...
all good stuff are enemies magnet, kinda easy to know what is rare.
space: how things are going slower and further from their gravity center.
the more close they are, the more fast they go.
what about dark hole ?
come mister bigglesworth !
it was an article explaining the real purpose of sunday from my point of view, i was saying that it could be any day depending on your own schedule, your way of living, and that the break it represent could be anything good or bad depending on your habits.
anyway, i dont really want to rewrite the whole article, im sure the original was ok and in harmony with all my blog but peoples delete, erase and censor.
i have backups so im pretty sure i have it somewhere but i wont look for it.
you want to delete my stuff ? i guess you have something to hide.
i could say that the content of this article was explaining the mistake of buddha, so do the same mistake ever and ever again until this world is so rotten and unbalanced that it... well thats maybe just already the case anyway.
things was written more than 2000 years ago so if you truly think you can control anything right now plus against me, you dont value your hope man.
-yes, thats exactly the point. lol.
i wonder why people are wasting their time on my blog reading the nobody i am, huh ?
you just helped me killing my time a little more.
well im up for a little random time
the wall, its so big im like a child in front of it reading all the bullshit.
they should do a movie where the hero die and then its remplaced by another hero that die at its turn, etc... well they could do a tv show out of this concept.
each episode a hero die, arent there lot of way to die, could be interesting.
i should write scripts but im too lazy. copyrights noals 2014 and beyond lol.
did you seized the moment ? yes the one you missed...
all good stuff are enemies magnet, kinda easy to know what is rare.
space: how things are going slower and further from their gravity center.
the more close they are, the more fast they go.
what about dark hole ?
come mister bigglesworth !
Ecrit par noals, a 10:12 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Mercredi (05/03/14)
jobs and unemployment
--> yeah redo the sidewalk bitch...
some jobs are useless or just annoying with their pointless purpose or stupid protocol for casual people.
that do some employment so when we all will be annoyed and pissed off every fucking minute by anything, i guess the unemployment problem will be solved right ?
each time they raise taxes and prices, the economy gets better kinda so when we all will be poor with just all those paperwork to wipe our ass, i guess economy will be almost perfect, great... ><
economy being good or bad, there are still more and more debts anyway, wrong ?
they never fight some problems at the root, how come ?
its like wanting to change society within it, they want to repay some debts using their economical system that create even more debts at the price of our cultural and spiritual emancipation. (and i dont even talk about ecology)
its all just another excuse to waste/control your life and make the life of a few better, nothing new...
its kinda annoying and boring how things never change, usualy just more problems but still they dont get that they arent in the right direction, trapped in their society protocols and supposed obligations.
bah whatever, what will be the new illness this year ?
that do some employment so when we all will be annoyed and pissed off every fucking minute by anything, i guess the unemployment problem will be solved right ?
each time they raise taxes and prices, the economy gets better kinda so when we all will be poor with just all those paperwork to wipe our ass, i guess economy will be almost perfect, great... ><
economy being good or bad, there are still more and more debts anyway, wrong ?
they never fight some problems at the root, how come ?
its like wanting to change society within it, they want to repay some debts using their economical system that create even more debts at the price of our cultural and spiritual emancipation. (and i dont even talk about ecology)
its all just another excuse to waste/control your life and make the life of a few better, nothing new...
its kinda annoying and boring how things never change, usualy just more problems but still they dont get that they arent in the right direction, trapped in their society protocols and supposed obligations.
bah whatever, what will be the new illness this year ?
Ecrit par noals, a 04:51 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Lundi (24/02/14)
string theory gibberish 2
--> draw me a time with Pi
i think Pi represent it well.
calculating the circumference or the diameter of a simple circle, you end up with an infinity of 'random' numbers, i find it fascinating.
and i think its like the string theory.
from a simple orbit and because of gravity, you can find an infinity of 'random' values so im sure that from the infinity of 'random' value that could represent the infinitely small you can end up with a circumference and a diameter kinda.
i dont know how to mathematicaly represent the world of the infinitely small with their quantum theory but if there is a link with the relativity theory and gravity, i guess its something like that.
expanding or shrinking, we have to consider the universe as something finite through but it dont really make sense to me.
what i mean is that if something is finite, there have to be something behind or beyond anyway and even if the whole system is like a loop or a sphere for instance, what is around it or again beyond it ?
so i guess that the string theory dont explain the whole universe as we conceive it but just the part our eyes can see kinda; or what our brain can understand maybe.
edit: well they talk about their other dimensons too but i need to read more about that i guess, i really dont know how they define their stuff lol i kinda just find it amusing in some ways.
its like time, we can define it as a line, but a segmented line that goes through dimensional reflexion of itself is a little hard to explain with words lol.
some timing are losing their randomness isnt it ?
maybe everything is just faster than light but of course we cant see it. ><
calculating the circumference or the diameter of a simple circle, you end up with an infinity of 'random' numbers, i find it fascinating.
and i think its like the string theory.
from a simple orbit and because of gravity, you can find an infinity of 'random' values so im sure that from the infinity of 'random' value that could represent the infinitely small you can end up with a circumference and a diameter kinda.
i dont know how to mathematicaly represent the world of the infinitely small with their quantum theory but if there is a link with the relativity theory and gravity, i guess its something like that.
expanding or shrinking, we have to consider the universe as something finite through but it dont really make sense to me.
what i mean is that if something is finite, there have to be something behind or beyond anyway and even if the whole system is like a loop or a sphere for instance, what is around it or again beyond it ?
so i guess that the string theory dont explain the whole universe as we conceive it but just the part our eyes can see kinda; or what our brain can understand maybe.
edit: well they talk about their other dimensons too but i need to read more about that i guess, i really dont know how they define their stuff lol i kinda just find it amusing in some ways.
its like time, we can define it as a line, but a segmented line that goes through dimensional reflexion of itself is a little hard to explain with words lol.
some timing are losing their randomness isnt it ?
Ecrit par noals, a 21:43 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Lundi (17/02/14)
--> random
the french president sold france to arabs or the kind. like a house, not the same tenant, not the same rules within the house, not the same program on tv,... sold; and thats only for economical purposes. isnt there laws against corruption of this scale ?
how much is france ? cant we have a better offer ?
its like last time i saw a news about a guy arrested for corruption. it was stupid because you cant arrest a single guy for corruption, it have to be more than one guy because there are those who paid him but it seem it dont work like that in our justice system.
the same goes for a guy that was arrested for having downloaded pedophile pictures but you dont see that they arrested those who put those pictures online...
another one had to pay because he downloaded secret files or something. they were not even protected and he found the files just with google.
wasnt it the guy charged of the security of the network that didnt do his job ? or was it a trap, i wonder... its so bullshit.
that shows well the direction the world is taking. half-assed justice and ass licking economy for everyone. i guess the pride was all given to gays.
talking about that, before i liked rainbows, rainbows are beautiful, it wasnt annoying with care bears but wtf with gays. give me back my rainbow that dont suggest that some guys are assfucking themself.
i wanted to talk about how this world is stuck too.
it cant make spiritual progress because to do so you kinda have to be against all the bad influence that represent society. so there are technical progress that just make it more acceptable but this world is stuck. plus there is the sacrifice of all diversity for a supposed common purpose that dont even understand its own existence. its like putting all animals together in the same slaughterhouse, im not sure the meat will taste good at all. i guess it will taste like this bastards world.
you dont make spiritual progress losing your soul... its just an illusion.
well tamed, missleaded and anesthetized, porn is free, the weather dont like your car and religious cant stop lying. you are not free but you are a free exploitable ressource, kept under control with illness, lots of illness.
the supposed good for pawn, the bad for righteous and the souls for devils.
waste, waste, wasted freedom...
how much is france ? cant we have a better offer ?
its like last time i saw a news about a guy arrested for corruption. it was stupid because you cant arrest a single guy for corruption, it have to be more than one guy because there are those who paid him but it seem it dont work like that in our justice system.
the same goes for a guy that was arrested for having downloaded pedophile pictures but you dont see that they arrested those who put those pictures online...
another one had to pay because he downloaded secret files or something. they were not even protected and he found the files just with google.
wasnt it the guy charged of the security of the network that didnt do his job ? or was it a trap, i wonder... its so bullshit.
that shows well the direction the world is taking. half-assed justice and ass licking economy for everyone. i guess the pride was all given to gays.
talking about that, before i liked rainbows, rainbows are beautiful, it wasnt annoying with care bears but wtf with gays. give me back my rainbow that dont suggest that some guys are assfucking themself.
i wanted to talk about how this world is stuck too.
it cant make spiritual progress because to do so you kinda have to be against all the bad influence that represent society. so there are technical progress that just make it more acceptable but this world is stuck. plus there is the sacrifice of all diversity for a supposed common purpose that dont even understand its own existence. its like putting all animals together in the same slaughterhouse, im not sure the meat will taste good at all. i guess it will taste like this bastards world.
you dont make spiritual progress losing your soul... its just an illusion.
well tamed, missleaded and anesthetized, porn is free, the weather dont like your car and religious cant stop lying. you are not free but you are a free exploitable ressource, kept under control with illness, lots of illness.
the supposed good for pawn, the bad for righteous and the souls for devils.
waste, waste, wasted freedom...
Ecrit par noals, a 11:11 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Jeudi (13/02/14)
string theory gibberish
--> instinct
fusing uncertainty with will power.
the quantum theory and the relativity theory balance themself, isnt it with time ?
by immobility and acceptation (opening) you can sense what is moving and need ajustment.
by sensing it, you can apply and add or substract your own existencial force to the movement going on.
thats what humanity is capable of, but everything still have to balance itself whatever happen a moment or another so your wrong choice is to try to move in only one direction while letting the movement balance itself by itself would make it less painfull for everyone in the end. thats the only real hope i can imagine.
it is the other dimension.
hazard just wont let you see the truth if you cant show the truth to hazard.
reunion can be a good thing but if it is for pointless purposes, you better be separated, to protect diversity.
i think gravity in the immensity is this stable because the world of the infinitly small is this random, it is stability.
isnt it hard to put or make something motionless in space ?
immobility is the stronger force i can think of.
the quantum theory and the relativity theory balance themself, isnt it with time ?
by immobility and acceptation (opening) you can sense what is moving and need ajustment.
by sensing it, you can apply and add or substract your own existencial force to the movement going on.
thats what humanity is capable of, but everything still have to balance itself whatever happen a moment or another so your wrong choice is to try to move in only one direction while letting the movement balance itself by itself would make it less painfull for everyone in the end. thats the only real hope i can imagine.
it is the other dimension.
hazard just wont let you see the truth if you cant show the truth to hazard.
reunion can be a good thing but if it is for pointless purposes, you better be separated, to protect diversity.
i think gravity in the immensity is this stable because the world of the infinitly small is this random, it is stability.
isnt it hard to put or make something motionless in space ?
immobility is the stronger force i can think of.
Ecrit par noals, a 04:28 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Lundi (10/02/14)
--> a real shit catalyst.
do you know what the problem of humanity is ?
humanity dont progress on a strait line but in circle.
sacrifices are made to supposedly solve problems or for a supposed greater good but in the end the problems are even bigger.
its like you dont know how to advance without wasting something so you actualy waste something instead of protecting it and problems naturally come back to everyone a way or another.
it seem you never waste the right thing and how many did you wasted already ?
i dont get it, i dont understand the real purpose of things like that.
"for the glory of satan of course!".
its always too late.
humanity dont progress on a strait line but in circle.
sacrifices are made to supposedly solve problems or for a supposed greater good but in the end the problems are even bigger.
its like you dont know how to advance without wasting something so you actualy waste something instead of protecting it and problems naturally come back to everyone a way or another.
it seem you never waste the right thing and how many did you wasted already ?
i dont get it, i dont understand the real purpose of things like that.
"for the glory of satan of course!".
its always too late.
Ecrit par noals, a 14:10 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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Vendredi (07/02/14)
--> current state
i was too dangerous for them.
they waste(d) me psychologicaly harassing me every minute of my life.
after a little break down, they so had the opportunity to physicaly waste my brain with xeplion while my body is wasted by some asthenia that came magicaly from nowhere.
of course, i cant spread my spirit or feel alive at all like that.
thats when you are on the good way that you encounter enemies.
i guess that if im happy it will be in another life but still, this world is slowly and painfully have what it deserve.
you dont know what you are missing, you just have clues that you usualy despise.
you never wanted it all, just the easy going part, dunno.
i have nothing through i earned a lot, thats why im too dangerous for them, they have a lot to lose. when im healthy, im felt through the whole world, how big is that ?
bah, i dont really care anymore, if its not me, it will be another one and the result will be the same until you understand.
it was worth it for the time it lasted, this protocol society is lame anyway, satisfied by worst and less...
they waste(d) me psychologicaly harassing me every minute of my life.
after a little break down, they so had the opportunity to physicaly waste my brain with xeplion while my body is wasted by some asthenia that came magicaly from nowhere.
of course, i cant spread my spirit or feel alive at all like that.
thats when you are on the good way that you encounter enemies.
i guess that if im happy it will be in another life but still, this world is slowly and painfully have what it deserve.
you dont know what you are missing, you just have clues that you usualy despise.
you never wanted it all, just the easy going part, dunno.
i have nothing through i earned a lot, thats why im too dangerous for them, they have a lot to lose. when im healthy, im felt through the whole world, how big is that ?
bah, i dont really care anymore, if its not me, it will be another one and the result will be the same until you understand.
it was worth it for the time it lasted, this protocol society is lame anyway, satisfied by worst and less...
Ecrit par noals, a 08:32 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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