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jobs and unemployment
--> yeah redo the sidewalk bitch...
some jobs are useless or just annoying with their pointless purpose or stupid protocol for casual people.
that do some employment so when we all will be annoyed and pissed off every fucking minute by anything, i guess the unemployment problem will be solved right ?

each time they raise taxes and prices, the economy gets better kinda so when we all will be poor with just all those paperwork to wipe our ass, i guess economy will be almost perfect, great... ><

economy being good or bad, there are still more and more debts anyway, wrong ?

they never fight some problems at the root, how come ?
its like wanting to change society within it, they want to repay some debts using their economical system that create even more debts at the price of our cultural and spiritual emancipation. (and i dont even talk about ecology)

its all just another excuse to waste/control your life and make the life of a few better, nothing new...

its kinda annoying and boring how things never change, usualy just more problems but still they dont get that they arent in the right direction, trapped in their society protocols and supposed obligations.

bah whatever, what will be the new illness this year ?

Ecrit par noals, le Mercredi 5 Mars 2014, 04:51 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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