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on tue le temps comme on veux

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machines and protocols
--> abstract fun !
lets say a machine use the rare individuality of a few that was able to see beyond some layers of control, to manipulate those who wasnt able to do the same.
obviously, without less 'constraint', those individualities will evolve more.
analysing and profiling those exceptions with the help of their environment would show a precise range of possible consequences, reactions due to some causes applyed while analysing, profiling and so, testing.
the testing be done on the 'exceptionnal', it become impossible that the same causes applyed on the non-exceptions would give results outside the range of consequences described previously.
(edit: corrected a mistake in my formulation)
controlling those exceptions and limiting them in the 'possible' domain in first place would so logicaly result in the control of the whole.

yeah, thats kinda matrix explained for dummies. lol
but lets continue with my machine thinking.

the nature being as it is, there would be an exception that would be more exceptionnal than the others exceptions.
a machine being as it is, this exceptionnal exception would become the test subject for the less exceptionnal and so, a single entity would be able to change the whole within a range predefined by itself.

why writing that ?
dunno, when i see how my ennemies are, it make me think about machines following their shitty protocols, unable to evolve or comprehend like a lively one would do.

following this logic, the question is kinda always the same, what profit is there to gain from that and for who ?
i kinda answered this already in my previous article but i think a machine dont see anything like profits, it just consume.

Ecrit par noals, le Vendredi 25 Janvier 2013, 01:41 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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