--> fuck that
here a question for you.
if there is a mind behind hazard, then its not hazard anymore.
and if im more intelligent than this mind, its no God either.
so what the fuck it is ?
Pi is more hazardous than hazard itself, what a joke.
the suckers need some updates ?
there, a hint for them : Matthew 21:42
amen !
if there is a mind behind hazard, then its not hazard anymore.
and if im more intelligent than this mind, its no God either.
so what the fuck it is ?
Pi is more hazardous than hazard itself, what a joke.
the suckers need some updates ?
there, a hint for them : Matthew 21:42
amen !
Ecrit par noals, le Samedi 26 Janvier 2013, 03:52 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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