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--> a bad article
i want to talk about pro bastards. yeah some are bastards but some others are professionnal bastards, thats their job.

lets take the gaming world for example.
you got the noob full of passion, full of ideas and concept but he lacks some experiences, support and knowledge (not even talking about means) so the noob will ask for help and he will encounter pro bastards.
the pro bastards will tell the noob to go program a pong and to read anything to learn without any purpose or with the purpose to do little shit to gain pointless experiences etc... so in the end, the noob got his ideas stolen, his motivation broken in half and rarely some usefull help anyway as if he follow or not the given advices, he will just end up without real help while the grouped pro bastards will already be working on the stolen ideas.

the problem for pro bastards, is that if they despise like that the goods, at some point, the goods knows that it is pointless to ask help as it is pointless to continue working surrounded by suckers and then, the supposed "pros" end up with no ideas anymore because they dont have any ideas to begin with anyway, nor passion or pride since as a pro bastard, they work for money.
they sold their soul conforming themself and would like to teach us how to do the same to "succeed" in life while if you succeed alone they waste your life to prove themself right and continue their sickening methods...
they have nothing to express in opposion to the "noob" that have something to share, the "noob" will even tell them how to do better but they wont even listen or will just repeat what the "noob" said some time later when confronted with their own stupidity to appear less stupid.
thats also an exemple of why im surrounded by bastards as well anyway, they steal as much as i think.
some real pros that offer a real help or availability for helping exist but they are very rare i guess. just saying...

i could talk about music too, they will all come up with their theory and when you prove them that it is actualy possible not really knowing theory to do better with more musicality, originality or harmony they never heard before, they will all miraculously come up with new methods to learn and progress with the instrument, etc... so they can sell, show themself as a good musician but these are just pro bastards that copied and spyed on the supposed "noobs" that became totally better than them.
first there is music and then there are morons that want to explain it all with their dumbass theory and are still at it so they can copy, copy and copy again...
i dont say theory is useless, i say that those who say that theory come before music are fouls or worst.

thats where the missplaced pride of those pro bastards is, because they cant accept that a guy that worked with his passion building his style and knowledge with experiences can do better than all those that copied the real ones or themself like fucking bots synchronising and waiting for the next updates. those bastards are like a shit catalyst.

you can see pro bastards in any domain, and they are all "fakes" i should say.
money is usualy their priority so obviously, the rest is all second-rate.
sadly the noob cant really help it but to wait a better time to do what he want because with time, he is not so noob anymore.

i could also talk about their license system that basicaly ended up in justifying their stealing... we got some non sense like michael jackson fighting over the beatles rights against paul mc cartney, thats so stupid.
or we could talk about the inventor of the first micro processor that is almost totaly unknow who maybe died out of poverty.
where is Justice in this society ?

this whole society system is shit anyway.
there is a natural spiritual communication between the living so of course, an idea that someone have, another guy somewhere else can have it but they even use that as an excuse for all their stealing. ( and so im there limiting my spirit.. >< )
all those bastards are disgusting me.
its like they are satisfied using 2% of their brain because they got some money not knowing that they are despising 98% of it.

yeah, yeah, there are not only bastards, whatever...
a waste from the beginning to the end.

Ecrit par noals, le Lundi 25 Mars 2013, 18:54 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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