--> another mess, im sick of it anyway.
i saw no 7 in any of my article dates so i decided to write one today just like that.
lets talk about your leaders, are they making things better ?
it dont seem so to me or maybe for the supposed and temporary politicaly correct public opinion that they mystify as well right ?
they dont even fight to make a better reality for everyone, they fight to try to make everyone believe that the reality is getting better... thats how i see it anyway.
a little of my spirit and the whole world feels better already or is able to do better in any domain worldwide.
there is nothing for me in that, just bastards that use the occasion to mock me and manipulate even more.
and who do you vote for ? who do you pay ? i could even say, what is needed ?
taxes ? lol
food ? place ? technology ? ... ?
so whats your problem ? if not them.
me ? am i the problem of the whole world ? how so, im curious about your answer lol. actualy im more curious about when you will dare open your lying or hypocrite mouth to start your supposed answer in front of me in good health if the moment exist at all.
yeah dont bother and dont expect me to make it better for you anyway because i want a real Justice and i will have it, thats what i call a real priority.
me waiting is part of Justice because i had warned my enemies, i showed them how it was against me, im still giving them time while im still teaching them and then come the punishment because with all the things i willingly do for them, they dont want to listen and just continue their bad doing saying they know better than me but it seem they forget that they are my ennemies, another big mistake...
you dont change the system within the system, thats a fact in our actual society because the more you want some power to change things, the more you have to eat shit and in the end, its you who is changed.
its like the gearing would try to change itself in the clock while trying to keep the needles from stopping or it would be like a guy trying to change his tires while driving... maybe with your oh so great science, those exemple could be possible but that just would be stupid and out topic...
by the way, you dont calm an anger provoking it everyday, thats just a tip for your kind.
they dont see further than their nose and so i have to put everything in their face.
struggle all you want with your illusions but dont forget im real.
they use your attention to manipulate you
they use your state of mind to enchant you.
the more you are open minded, the more they can put shit in your head.
there are those who are consumed by the spirit so the spirit evolve and those who consume it, at a worldwide spiritual scale, if those who make evolve the spirit are strained to not make it evolve anymore or under some perverted influence, there are no real evolution anymore and even within your awareness, your existence is bound to follow its feed.
thats life, nothing new here...
their method is like some musics.
their music dont make you feel or share any emotions, they impose their supposed feeling to you with frequencies for your ears, brain and so on...
thats different.
its just as i said anyway, if they dont insult you, they come to lick your ass or manipulate you, the worst race. they believe what they want to believe and for the rest its also as i said, nihilism and convenience.
the more you evolve, the more they are stupid
the more they are stupid, the more they annoy you
the more they annoy, the less you evolve...
when do we actualy accepted that ? sorry i dont remember having done so.
they even use the generation shock as a weapon since its easier to manipulate children with mass media or mass effect.
since when there is a generation shock while im at it ?
lets talk about your leaders, are they making things better ?
it dont seem so to me or maybe for the supposed and temporary politicaly correct public opinion that they mystify as well right ?
they dont even fight to make a better reality for everyone, they fight to try to make everyone believe that the reality is getting better... thats how i see it anyway.
a little of my spirit and the whole world feels better already or is able to do better in any domain worldwide.
there is nothing for me in that, just bastards that use the occasion to mock me and manipulate even more.
and who do you vote for ? who do you pay ? i could even say, what is needed ?
taxes ? lol
food ? place ? technology ? ... ?
so whats your problem ? if not them.
me ? am i the problem of the whole world ? how so, im curious about your answer lol. actualy im more curious about when you will dare open your lying or hypocrite mouth to start your supposed answer in front of me in good health if the moment exist at all.
yeah dont bother and dont expect me to make it better for you anyway because i want a real Justice and i will have it, thats what i call a real priority.
me waiting is part of Justice because i had warned my enemies, i showed them how it was against me, im still giving them time while im still teaching them and then come the punishment because with all the things i willingly do for them, they dont want to listen and just continue their bad doing saying they know better than me but it seem they forget that they are my ennemies, another big mistake...
you dont change the system within the system, thats a fact in our actual society because the more you want some power to change things, the more you have to eat shit and in the end, its you who is changed.
its like the gearing would try to change itself in the clock while trying to keep the needles from stopping or it would be like a guy trying to change his tires while driving... maybe with your oh so great science, those exemple could be possible but that just would be stupid and out topic...
by the way, you dont calm an anger provoking it everyday, thats just a tip for your kind.
they dont see further than their nose and so i have to put everything in their face.
struggle all you want with your illusions but dont forget im real.
they use your attention to manipulate you
they use your state of mind to enchant you.
the more you are open minded, the more they can put shit in your head.
there are those who are consumed by the spirit so the spirit evolve and those who consume it, at a worldwide spiritual scale, if those who make evolve the spirit are strained to not make it evolve anymore or under some perverted influence, there are no real evolution anymore and even within your awareness, your existence is bound to follow its feed.
thats life, nothing new here...
their method is like some musics.
their music dont make you feel or share any emotions, they impose their supposed feeling to you with frequencies for your ears, brain and so on...
thats different.
its just as i said anyway, if they dont insult you, they come to lick your ass or manipulate you, the worst race. they believe what they want to believe and for the rest its also as i said, nihilism and convenience.
the more you evolve, the more they are stupid
the more they are stupid, the more they annoy you
the more they annoy, the less you evolve...
when do we actualy accepted that ? sorry i dont remember having done so.
they even use the generation shock as a weapon since its easier to manipulate children with mass media or mass effect.
since when there is a generation shock while im at it ?
Ecrit par noals, le Mercredi 27 Mars 2013, 15:00 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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