bastards in the shell : guilty
yeah sure, why dont you talk about your real advancement and what you do with it son of bitches ? or maybe the purpose of it ?
or let me guess, your research was stolen by the professor moriarty and then used in spite of your willingness. ><
a good example of something that is used on unaware people by military forces for years and then that is exposed as a kind of new "discovery" or "progress" when they cant hide it anymore, son of bitches.
even if you're awake they use whatever kind of waves on your brain and then they tell you things like "you become crazy if there are no sound", lies, lies, lies....
its because if there are no sound, that means that all their crappy waves to influence you a way or another arent there anymore, and so, your brain becoming free of all the influences is like all new to you, so come a kind of confusion followed by a needed adaptation time, crazy my ass !
my room is kind of soundproof, with all their shit its like i need an electro magnetic insulation, sigh...
go on, show us all your great hypocrisy.
why dont you show us the list of all your victims from the past, present and the next to come so we can get an idea about how you dont have enough life to pay for what you did.
you should also talk about the reaction time of the brain under any circumstance that you studied as well to make the brain assimilate ideas by force in the subconscious using the natural timing of it in all your medias, huh ?
or maybe you can talk about how you use the gaze of peoples depending on the images, going as far as using flash, vibrations and blur effect to even more influence in the brain ? no caring about the seeing of people of course. (they dont care about people anyway)
thats their "freedom", i prefer mine even for what its worth...
Ecrit par noals, le Samedi 6 Avril 2013, 03:18 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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