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on tue le temps comme on veux

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Mot de passe

Mot de passe oublié ?

--> who cares ?
its like nobody can believe me but i would like to talk about my everyday life.

-my skin is kinda burning because of my 'screen'.
i spend more than 10 years in front of a screen and never got a problem but since around 2 years, my skin is kinda burned by the light emitted by the image. basicaly it came as the same time as when the arabian became the second first language in google translation, am i the only one that noticed that ?
i dont think it is a hardware problem because i tryed different type of screen and now i use a projector because of that but the problem is the same and i can prove it just showing my skin.
it also have some bad influence on my seeing, brain and eyes.

-some kind of annoyance in the stomach. i could say it is because of stress but it isnt natural and of course came at the same time of other craps. i can kinda prove it as my immunity system is fighting against this unknow factor and i've been to the hospital also because of it before so with another sanguine test, i can show as well that it stay with time through without bastards around me, im sure anyhow that it would have been healed already.
i think this same kind of trouble occured to me when i was a child but since i had no real problem within the two periods, i guess it was a test when i was a child and now then, it is used for more control over me.

-bastards around me repeating the same shit again and again.
of course i guess they know how to hide when a supposed real witness would come to confirm what i say and so the silence or event happening at this moment would be unnatural confirming what i say but i dont think you're smart enough yet to notice this kind of stuff.
anyway, repeating the same shit to me have different "purpose" on me.
1/ annoying me in first place, first natural reaction
2/ changing my natural reaction provoking some others with the timed annoyance thus kinda perverting my natural reactions.
3/ hacking my brain, they repeat to me the same shit again and again but i noticed that all their expressions use differents sonority and so can be used to analyse the differents reactions occuring in the brain using their technology the same way you could look for differents values hacking a game...
4/ as they repeat their shit, instead of insulting me or annoying me, they kinda lick my ass too as they try to make me accept their ways. they also use the habit kinda to do so.

-they use noise/timed noise around me to also change my reactions, confuse me or make me fear but on this point they kinda have big difficulties. lol

-i could talk about the hacking of my computer as well as they already wasted 2 of my computer and tryed on some of my harddrives as well.

-they spy on me trying to copy my spirit or influence it, they are so perverted that sometime i just can feel their presence when they just come at the corner of the street or further.
i dont have any intimity anyway.

-they read my mind, all my ideas and personnal discovery since im a child are used in their science or else as they copy my style for music or else... [...]
you know, at some point, when you got sort of answers to anything you think in real time, hazard really become a joke, not your real life through.

-they also use vibrations, dont really know how but they can direct it and target it. sometimes i wish i had a portable seismograph.

-i could talk again about dreams modifications and provoked sleeping troubles.

-if there is someone not of their kind around me, they will manipulate him/her/them as well.

-etc... im sure i forget some stuff but hell got a real meaning to me but strangely, not Justice because i never deserved any of that.

anyway, thats kinda a summary of my everyday life and what is waiting for you so its not important if you dont believe me...
and if im wrong, thats not important either because that means that im just the only one real guy in this parody of life.
sorry if i dont do much in my life huh ? usualy its because i dont really like to do the useless but if there is a satan in this world, i sure did fought it alone for years and continue doing so.
my spirit is a weapon of choice in this fight as it open your mind to my knowledge kinda and so come the usefullness of purifying it.
you only see profit, you're dumb.
your problem is that as i evolve, the scale of the fight get bigger kinda but what about you in all that huh ? enjoying your illusions ? you think you know anything about courage ?
i cant trust anybody... not because i dont have the 'courage' to do so, its irrevelant for me, but because its kinda pointless.

a single lawyer with me and i could be millionaire suing whoever i wish for whatever reason but that dont really interest me.
if you need to understand the purpose in our time for "the one", its kinda like that, being the base test tube for human control experiment as im more close to nature than anyone and kinda strong enough to endure anything not becoming crazy.
thats why i decided to put a stop to it and decided to volontary become crazy at some point to waste all their craps because the result of all their experiments would become useless as they dont really control anything about my spirit nor my will.

even if some people are aware of this kind of stuff, basicaly they are my ennemies or they can be victims that wont talk about any of it by fear of the public opinion.
at my point i dont really give a shit, i gave time, thats all.

Ecrit par noals, le Dimanche 7 Avril 2013, 17:55 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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