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extremism ?
tell me, why does an "extremist" like me stopped playing and teaching music to his whole neighborhood for free in his opened garage ?
just answer that and you will understand why after 30 years i became racist.

edit : i could even say more through i think i did it already but i dont care.
imagine that for 30 years kinda, each time you do something good or each time you enjoy something, you got the bastards coming to waste your life.
at some point you just dont want to do anything at all, you just want to waste bastards and thats how i am today. there is nothing else for me because i cant conceive my life with bastards, it is just not compatible.
my only hope in life actualy is that someone else waste those bastards before me so i dont have to dirty my hands, thats my only hope in life until i decide to slay those around me.
everyday they try to manipulate me to make me accept them but it will never happen, i never accepted manipulations in first place.
extremism is like racism you know, you are not born with it, you become it for different reasons, they just went too far, there is no forgiveness for them.
as for everything, there are exceptions but i dont consider a colony of foreigner doing lawless activities in my country an exception, i call that bastards or sons of bitch, whatever, fucking unnameable.

Ecrit par noals, le Dimanche 21 Avril 2013, 03:49 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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