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on tue le temps comme on veux

Nom d'utilisateur
Mot de passe

Mot de passe oublié ?

im in north of france around 200 km from paris.
there is a highway that goes straight from my city kinda to paris but it isnt allowed to walk there because it is against the "law" and "dangerous".
so basicaly i am not allowed to walk anywhere i want because if i do, they will possibly arrest me and tell me to use all the other crappy roads if there are still some where you can get lost at each turn instead of a simple straight line. (if you ever find the way out the city anyway)

it is actualy a good summary about how this society works.
"get lost human, or conform"

some can reproach me to not giving any solutions.
to who ? my wall ? my keyboard ?
i could have called this article "talking" too i guess.

things we are allowed to do or not in our time change depending on the level of conforming we reach and they call that justice, as even if you can do something, they will put law to restrict you if you are not conform enough and if you find a way to still do as you want, thats when they dont even care about their fake laws anymore and they will just waste your life because they are simply jalous or by power abuse or by any other of their bad reasons anyway. control...

i can go on website to check some girls picture with phone numbers and price to kinda fuck any time or i can maybe chose a foreigner "wife" like that or i can see any operated transexual edited pictures or movies fucking all the possible ways but i cant go out in a bar playing music, because i like it, not having bastards following me that will find a way to waste my evening if it ever goes well, talk about 'terrorism'. even if they dont anymore because of their asslicking timing, no way i can forgive those anyway, i want them out or dead and then i will can enjoy my evening as i want with the real good and bad side of it, not the simulated one to condition me in this manipulated joke of life.

you can have camera in a street to spy and monitor any activity at a precise location, you can have your computer hacked, phone call listened, kind of scada all around your house not even knowing it but you wont see a policeman on the street just doing its job actualy.
last time i saw them passing by in car in my district, they got insulted and had some rocks thrown at them by bastards. not that i like the police because from my point of view they dont do their job like they should but as an awareness act, since when the police got demonized like that ?

i think about personalization too.
its funny how they personalize anything like italia did this, spain did that for example but in the end, thats just a few bunch of guys that supposly represent their country and usualy fail to do so.
they personalize economy too, they say things like "it is good for the economy" or "oh no ! the economy is bad, we need more money" like 'economy' actualy give a shit...
they do that with some illness too, poverty, etc...

i saw a news about the non polluting car as well, another article was saying they will save the world with it lol.
what are you waiting for ?!

some people will say that some things are in my mind.
yeah sure, and what the fuck are they doing here ?
i wonder if one day peoples will see beyond things put in their face.

Ecrit par noals, le Jeudi 25 Avril 2013, 04:48 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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