illusion of time
lets say a sorcerer come to you and say :
"i can read your future and i see that your relationship will become a waste and your girlfriend is a bitch because she will leave you"
and so, the sorcerer call his bastards team and they do whatever it take to actualy waste your whole relationship and make your girlfriend leave you.
then the sorcerer come back and say "see, i was right, trust me" ...
then, the victim meet another girl for example but the sorcerer come again and say :
"i can see your future and she is a bad girl, dont go to her"
the victim dont care and all goes pretty fine until the sorcerer do the same as previously and send for example one of his minion to seduce the girl.
the girl is seduced through at some point her relationship will be wasted as well because the purpose was to make her away from the victim and profit of her kinda; and so the sorcerer come again and say :
"see, i was right, trust me" ...
then the victim ,in deception and lacking hope, ask "what should i do ?"
and thats all since at this point, it isnt a victim anymore, it is an ennemy because he will blindly trust someone who is actualy responsable of his problems and even if it become better after that because of the sorcerer's illusions, two sincere relationship was wasted, a girl was 'used' and a guy lost his soul to satan.
edit: i talk about relationships but you can apply this example to a lot of subjects i think, and i put an edit because i could add the 'funny' question : at this point, how do you save this victim that is satisfied by his current situation ?
i talk about that because there is a difference between a real prophet that will take his decisions and make his deductions based on things he experience through his life and a false prophet that will use peoples to forcefully impose his way.
"images" are condemnable again here because you cant really consider them as things you can make conclusions from.
it can sound stupid but thats scientifically important.
"i can read your future and i see that your relationship will become a waste and your girlfriend is a bitch because she will leave you"
and so, the sorcerer call his bastards team and they do whatever it take to actualy waste your whole relationship and make your girlfriend leave you.
then the sorcerer come back and say "see, i was right, trust me" ...
then, the victim meet another girl for example but the sorcerer come again and say :
"i can see your future and she is a bad girl, dont go to her"
the victim dont care and all goes pretty fine until the sorcerer do the same as previously and send for example one of his minion to seduce the girl.
the girl is seduced through at some point her relationship will be wasted as well because the purpose was to make her away from the victim and profit of her kinda; and so the sorcerer come again and say :
"see, i was right, trust me" ...
then the victim ,in deception and lacking hope, ask "what should i do ?"
and thats all since at this point, it isnt a victim anymore, it is an ennemy because he will blindly trust someone who is actualy responsable of his problems and even if it become better after that because of the sorcerer's illusions, two sincere relationship was wasted, a girl was 'used' and a guy lost his soul to satan.
edit: i talk about relationships but you can apply this example to a lot of subjects i think, and i put an edit because i could add the 'funny' question : at this point, how do you save this victim that is satisfied by his current situation ?
i talk about that because there is a difference between a real prophet that will take his decisions and make his deductions based on things he experience through his life and a false prophet that will use peoples to forcefully impose his way.
"images" are condemnable again here because you cant really consider them as things you can make conclusions from.
it can sound stupid but thats scientifically important.
Ecrit par noals, le Samedi 27 Avril 2013, 03:29 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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