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on tue le temps comme on veux

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your doing follow you.
its like food for example. they will tell you to eat this and that each day through basicaly, you have to eat when your are hungry depending on your body needs and your body will grow according to your activities.
of course, it makes sense if you're free of your habits, thats the harder part actually, then it all come naturally.

if you follow their ways, you kinda mess with your metabolism and so you will have trouble sleeping because you wont be tired at all actualy, or you will be hungry because you're too tired, well, stuff like that.

you do stuff when you dont need them and when you need them you have something else to do...
and this society goes like that too and then we end up wasting tone of meat or vegetables while somewhere else some dont have anything to eat, because this system dont do stuff because of the need, [...]

bah, understand who can.

Ecrit par noals, le Mardi 30 Avril 2013, 06:08 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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