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"feeding on you"
--> kinda a mess in my head.
i take music as example but that can be anything.
lets say i play music, by doing so, i have an influence.
this kind of influence can be felt by my surrounding, you could call it "spirit" as well.
a normal people will feel it, enjoy it and the combined feelings will make it flourish kinda, the normal person will have enjoyed his moment to continue his life and the artist will have made progress by satisfying the audience and himself.

but thats not how it works with my ennemies.
my ennemies will feel the influence and intentionally 'feed' on it to make their own progress, they will do all they can to suck in the influence of the artist trying to progress at the same time thus perverting the whole process, wasting true originality for their money, stolen glory and personnal interest.

the normal peoples cant really tell the difference because they dont know the original artist that is hidden and it is beyond their knowledge from my point of view but then, you see a whole bunch of bastards with the same retarded style and same kind of crap because they have nothing new to copy... it can sound good at first but then the real artists continue making progress and as they see it, they feel ashamed of their despicable level and have to make updates, etc...
edit: and i dont even talk about those that will say "all have been made already, blabla..." they will even anachronistically update medias to prove their point ><, through when they come up with something "freshly" stolen, their story is different if they got a real story at all.
at this point, it is possible that you understand the magnitude of all the lies surrounding you.

of course it can also works the other way, they just waste things with their own perverted influence and thats all there is to it.

my example is a little paradoxical because if you start doing music learning alone, you start by copying others, but as you get better, at some point you are good enough to go on by yourself and build your own style, not my ennemies because they arent even artist to begin with, they are damned.

i wanted to talk about enchantments too, there are different types of enchantments.

the picture of ted here is actualy an enchantment, you see a smiling face and so, not conscientiously, you want to smile as well. from me, it is more an ironic joke kinda but still, it have an influence on you as it also influence your acceptation and it is condemnable from my point of view. know that peoples use those technics for bad stuffs as any guy in a commercial school could confirm this and tell you about other technics they use.

the other way to enchant is pushing your ego a way or another so they pervert and change your natural reactions. it can be used to gain your trust or manipulate you.
my ennemies are boring on this point because they enchant a way or another but they dont care if it dont work because they cant really do otherwise, and so you end up sometimes in situations that come from nowhere just because they want you to react like you would be part of the situation...
the mass effect used by medias is actualy a good example because without medias, you would not care at all in first place through despising eveything isnt a solution either and thats when you start to understand that they are your ennemies because if you are aware of that and try to make it better, "they" just dont care at all and continue until another loop... they are trapped in loops, thats natural for them to want you sucked in.
thats also why intelligence is avoiding evils because you are naturally intelligent without them, thx to my spirit through.

i think i use some of those manipulating technic in my blog, cant help it i guess, but it is more to make you think. its like some people will read my "things you cannot prove" article and come to the conclusion that my own argument isnt valid through they base this conclusion on the same statement. its just funny for me and "not my problem lol"

discernement is important.

Ecrit par noals, le Mercredi 1 Mai 2013, 11:29 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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