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my district
--> roubaix, north of france, 3 ponts.
in my district, you can be manipulated by the cops so you leave the office not even having done what you came for, so you are manipulated to not even officially file a claim when you came for that in first place.
and they kinda laugh at you of course.
im almost sure you can find some family members of the guilties you want to see arrested or out of the country, working at the police station...

when you end up unconscious because five attacked you from behind, thats when the police arrives actualy, when its to late and of course, nobody is arrested.
but then you can more "trustfully" file a claim with the doctor's statement.

if someone break into your house by breaking a windows and steal something, he is just free to do it again and he can live peaceful with his kind in the district.
of course, he do it again and he is just free to do it again...

you can even try to contact the police of the police but of course, no changes.

with all the harassments you go through, you can even play some drums at 4am by revolt but no problems, because they are all corrupted by their parody of the law.

if by revenge and anger you decide to even break the windows of their accomplices that are harassing you, there are no police either because there is no law in this district, just an insane convenience.

i think i can call that proofs because thats just what happenned and it can be verified.
they use the number superiority, the corruption or the perversion of the system and they do as they please, since when it is like that in my country ? too much time i guess, is blood really the only way ? maybe it is the army i should contact.
i dont mind repeating myself, it is every days that i am harassed or worst.

Ecrit par noals, le Vendredi 10 Mai 2013, 18:58 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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