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the french president sold france to arabs or the kind. like a house, not the same tenant, not the same rules within the house, not the same program on tv,... sold; and thats only for economical purposes. isnt there laws against corruption of this scale ?
how much is france ? cant we have a better offer ?

its like last time i saw a news about a guy arrested for corruption. it was stupid because you cant arrest a single guy for corruption, it have to be more than one guy because there are those who paid him but it seem it dont work like that in our justice system.

the same goes for a guy that was arrested for having downloaded pedophile pictures but you dont see that they arrested those who put those pictures online...

another one had to pay because he downloaded secret files or something. they were not even protected and he found the files just with google.
wasnt it the guy charged of the security of the network that didnt do his job ? or was it a trap, i wonder... its so bullshit.

that shows well the direction the world is taking. half-assed justice and ass licking economy for everyone. i guess the pride was all given to gays.
talking about that, before i liked rainbows, rainbows are beautiful, it wasnt annoying with care bears but wtf with gays. give me back my rainbow that dont suggest that some guys are assfucking themself.

i wanted to talk about how this world is stuck too.
it cant make spiritual progress because to do so you kinda have to be against all the bad influence that represent society. so there are technical progress that just make it more acceptable but this world is stuck. plus there is the sacrifice of all diversity for a supposed common purpose that dont even understand its own existence. its like putting all animals together in the same slaughterhouse, im not sure the meat will taste good at all. i guess it will taste like this bastards world.
you dont make spiritual progress losing your soul... its just an illusion.

well tamed, missleaded and anesthetized, porn is free, the weather dont like your car and religious cant stop lying. you are not free but you are a free exploitable ressource, kept under control with illness, lots of illness.
the supposed good for pawn, the bad for righteous and the souls for devils.
waste, waste, wasted freedom...

Ecrit par noals, le Lundi 17 Février 2014, 11:11 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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