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on tue le temps comme on veux

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Mot de passe oublié ?

influences and powers.
there is influence everywhere.
how do you make the difference between a good and a bad influence ?
i think you have to be aware of it to understand the answer i could give.
how do you notice influence you are unaware of ?
you have to understand its consequences.
how to understand the consequences of being under an unaware influence ?
know yourself.
but then, how to know yourself within the influence ?

i wanted to talk a little about power.
in my youth, i noticed different powers, its irrevelant to say what kind of power.
the important thing is that i kinda "gave up" all those discoveries because they were useless to protect my life at the time being.
yeah, that kinda mean i earned the power to be alive, through my ennemies didnt gave up those powers because they dont want to live, they want to control the life of others and be as egal of those they copy, trying to cheat on ways you have to take to accomplish things.
i guess i just resumed the battle between good and bad and it is funny because my ennemies will make evolve whatever power they can to gain even more power not taking into account that it is totaly useless for their means in first place.
yeah thats why the stupidity of bad people dont know limits because it is a fucking loop and they are trapped within it lol.

in medias, they will talk about love, friendship, bonds, (or whatever shit they can come up with anyways) but they dont value life.

Ecrit par noals, le Mercredi 23 Janvier 2013, 22:30 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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