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on tue le temps comme on veux

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lets talk about hope
--> time !
hope dont have limits but the ones you put to it, it is like the natural or human will to live. i think that whatever you do or whatever situation you're in, there is hope because the adversity situations or temptations you can encounter prove you that there is a better or a worst already.

lets talk about heaven and hell.
God almighty in the sky and satan in the depth of hell.
this metaphor explain you choices. you do a good choice and you go closer to your heaven, you do a bad choice and you go closer to hell but what is equitable in all that ?
protecting yourself for a better you are waiting for ?
or wasting your life for a worst you can presently enjoy ?
you could wait all your life waiting or waste all your life enjoying shit.
i think hope naturally represent the line in-between but so does my ennemies with their illusions because their "better" is pointless and lead you to the waste anyway. thats why the advice is "dont let you be seduced".
the hooker put her beautiful clothes and jewelry to seduce but thats just a hooker in the end and im no customer.

satan divide to better reign, you dont divide the truth.

basicaly, the good choice is to stop waiting and act in accordance with your good, that is part of righteousness but then you encounter this bad "luck" or weird "hazard" that goes against you totaly in opposition of what you though life was or how life was taugh to you in first place. it is confusing, dont make sense at all, impose itself to you and you are confronted to a choice: acceping shit or confront it...

of course, while confused, it is hard to choose before understanding, this is human reason.
my enemies use everything that is natural against you anyway, thats their science, there is no inaccessible mysteries in all that.
i fough alone against "hazard" itself while almost everyone was betraying me around me because they werent as strong as me or unaware or just because they was bad in first place or manipulated anyway... but thats not the point, the point is that if i act for my own good surrounded by shit or manipulated peoples, it wont be good for me at all, i better slay my surrounding, especialy the one around me that proved themself as bad.

it is not about egoism, it is about Justice.
the bad peoples shall not enjoy the doing of the good peoples, they are unworthy of it and thats why they want to waste it or exploit it. there is a big difference between innoncent and guilty as there is a real concrete difference between good and bad.

Ecrit par noals, le Lundi 18 Mars 2013, 08:02 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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