more clear.
we have peoples in the world that dont integrate themself with others in this society or in different countries thus troubling the natural harmony of the country. they regroup with their liking and build some kind of colonies where they impose their culture and cast out others using fear, manipulations, etc...
the muslims in france are an example and use their colonies to spread their culture even using medias as a mean to endoctrinate peoples.
they steal, use violence, they also use money for corruption or become part of the system for a better control of it in agreement with the politics or not. they provoke racism as a mean to discredit those they want or use different technics of harassment against whoever that are in their ways.
-1 year or more of propaganda in all the medias with racial advertising and political manipulations
-political nihilism after organised violences
-favoring of disadvantaged district aka colonies despising the poor or french by origins in need, yes, i consider them as priority in comparaison.
-even the favoring of jailed people !
-law creation or changes profiting their kind instead of the french peoples
-mockery over the main religion of the country
-organised manifestations
-cars or building burning
and for that inter alia, i consider that those peoples dont deserve their place in my country, they have one already and that is obviously not france.
this point is valid for all organised group of people that dont follow the law of our country or try to trick it using perverstions, corruptions, manipulations or worst.
peoples living in colonies agree and consent with the methods used in those colonies by solidarity with their own ethnicity and deserve their place out of the country as well, regardless of their situation.
you dont close your eyes on Justice when it please you and scream revolt when it fall on you, i am a witness of this perversion of Justice and have differents proofs of what i am denouncing.
there are exceptions and they are surely out of those kind of colonies or acting differently thus becoming not worth mentioning.
of course, despising those facts and examples, will prove me that there is no real Justice in this country thus convincing me that the way of the sword is the only way to defend my life against this harassment of everydays im going through.
a year or few months, i dont know, i lose patience.
i think some africa-american or some other ethnicities use this same method of regrouping for bad deeds in america through by definition, the black people in america are an exception but im sure anyone can tell the difference between a peaceful black colony that freed himself from slavery and an armed gang that feel the call of their country like monkeys.
discernment is important here.
people like extremist ku klux klan are also a problem of the same kind and thats why we have jails through i dont really know about the actual status of this group. i also consider the nazism as a political movement that did what was needed in its time and dont know either about its actual status.
i cant really tell about others countries, i think any leaders that are not corrupted if there are any left can weigh the causes and consequences of similar groups of people in his country and take the proper decision.
immigration is not to be accepted as i dont see any good or valid reason of its existence for a better and more balanced human world.
you cant pretend caring about the human rights not giving to people the right to go anywhere in this world without papers, that dont makes sense and since your history prove that you dont care about the human rights nor the human race, it seems acceptable.
i took this decision under the influence of my ennemies and so im convinced that this problems is a reality that have a bad influence on earth. my ennemies will certainly use this decision to discredit me judging it 'unreal' but i think it is as real as my situation or this world i see everyday.
you got almost one hundred articles that explain to you my life and to justify why i will slay those bastards when i will be satisfied by the state of my spirit and soul.
the muslims in france are an example and use their colonies to spread their culture even using medias as a mean to endoctrinate peoples.
they steal, use violence, they also use money for corruption or become part of the system for a better control of it in agreement with the politics or not. they provoke racism as a mean to discredit those they want or use different technics of harassment against whoever that are in their ways.
-1 year or more of propaganda in all the medias with racial advertising and political manipulations
-political nihilism after organised violences
-favoring of disadvantaged district aka colonies despising the poor or french by origins in need, yes, i consider them as priority in comparaison.
-even the favoring of jailed people !
-law creation or changes profiting their kind instead of the french peoples
-mockery over the main religion of the country
-organised manifestations
-cars or building burning
and for that inter alia, i consider that those peoples dont deserve their place in my country, they have one already and that is obviously not france.
this point is valid for all organised group of people that dont follow the law of our country or try to trick it using perverstions, corruptions, manipulations or worst.
peoples living in colonies agree and consent with the methods used in those colonies by solidarity with their own ethnicity and deserve their place out of the country as well, regardless of their situation.
you dont close your eyes on Justice when it please you and scream revolt when it fall on you, i am a witness of this perversion of Justice and have differents proofs of what i am denouncing.
there are exceptions and they are surely out of those kind of colonies or acting differently thus becoming not worth mentioning.
of course, despising those facts and examples, will prove me that there is no real Justice in this country thus convincing me that the way of the sword is the only way to defend my life against this harassment of everydays im going through.
a year or few months, i dont know, i lose patience.
i think some africa-american or some other ethnicities use this same method of regrouping for bad deeds in america through by definition, the black people in america are an exception but im sure anyone can tell the difference between a peaceful black colony that freed himself from slavery and an armed gang that feel the call of their country like monkeys.
discernment is important here.
people like extremist ku klux klan are also a problem of the same kind and thats why we have jails through i dont really know about the actual status of this group. i also consider the nazism as a political movement that did what was needed in its time and dont know either about its actual status.
i cant really tell about others countries, i think any leaders that are not corrupted if there are any left can weigh the causes and consequences of similar groups of people in his country and take the proper decision.
immigration is not to be accepted as i dont see any good or valid reason of its existence for a better and more balanced human world.
you cant pretend caring about the human rights not giving to people the right to go anywhere in this world without papers, that dont makes sense and since your history prove that you dont care about the human rights nor the human race, it seems acceptable.
i took this decision under the influence of my ennemies and so im convinced that this problems is a reality that have a bad influence on earth. my ennemies will certainly use this decision to discredit me judging it 'unreal' but i think it is as real as my situation or this world i see everyday.
you got almost one hundred articles that explain to you my life and to justify why i will slay those bastards when i will be satisfied by the state of my spirit and soul.
Ecrit par noals, le Vendredi 10 Mai 2013, 06:38 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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