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since when we care about the gays like that anyway ?
did they even asked for it ?
i dont think so and didnt we have the 'pacs' in france already ?
from what i know this debate just come from the politics and so it is a manipulation and an obvious one to provoke the division because there are really other priorities to take care of in france or in others countries anyway...

they vote their laws like robbers in the night.
how long will i have lies and provocations in the news ?
until a revolt ?
thats kinda what they ask for with all their provocations and that is also the manipulation because while the country is divided on a worthless topic, im sure the muslims or bastards continue their violence, influence, manipulation and spreading all around the country.
or maybe it is the time they play it cool huh ?

they must be put off the country, i dont really care about the gays, they dont need mariage in first place anyway and the assisted breeding for homosexual is totaly absurd.

this government must leave with its accomplices like the colony of bastards around me that are so guilty that they cant even call the cops when i play drums at 4:00am.

for everyone according to his deeds.

edit: why do they want to associate the homosexuality with our religion ?
know your ennemy.
Ecrit par noals, le Lundi 22 Avril 2013, 07:05 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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