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--> asthenia
lets say my enemies wont let a innocent and pure spirit full of knowledge spread to the world.

you will lose your innocence conscientiously doing a bad thing, that can be anything like just being egoist at some point in your life for example or worst.
of course a lot of thing can push you to do a bad thing, society is a big good example.
you will lose your purity being under all the influence around you, it can be sexual too.
you wont acquire knowledge because you will just be satisfied by the knowledge feed to you, you wont search further and you will accept life as it is.

when you open your mind, you open it to the spirit of the whole, it influence you and it direct the way you live. at the same time, you influence the whole and it change how the world is influenced at different scales.
you lose your freedom in the process because without innocence, purity and knowledge, your spirit is weak under the influence of the whole and you dont really influence it because of this same weakness among many others.

being able to keep your innocence and purity in a world like that is being strong. you have to fight for that and through suffering, you acquire knowledge because if you fight like that, you start to understand why it is hard to keep your innocence and purity. only a strong spirit can influence the whole and so, change the world.

this whole concept is hard to explain, its something you can start to understand when you enjoy your life being a good person; something bad happen to you, its mathematic. you are really a good person with some knowledge and you start enjoying your life, something bad undoubtedly happen to you and the good influence you can have for the world is stopped. only the ignorant or bad people are able to truly enjoy their life but thats not really the case either because they are ignorant or bad.
there is a difference between being satisfied and really be fullfilled.

what i want to share with this article is that centuries after centuries the spirit of the whole is contaminated by ignorance and bad things so in the end everyone is under this same influence and kept under control because nothing innocent, pure and full of knowledge is there to change that.

kept under control.

Ecrit par noals, le Vendredi 31 Janvier 2014, 04:40 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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