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so, how do you like hell ?
--> again.
i could say thats where i grown up, it never end.
it can only be worst.
being against me is being against the good, it cant get better...
all your supposed progress are totaly illusionnals.
eating your shit dont mean that shit is good you know ?
if you want to do good, you have to try with the good, not with the bad or against the good.
what can i say, you are retarded anyway. i dont give a shit about your pride or vanity, Moses and Jesus are so big of a proof that i dont even have to justify myself. oh but maybe you think you can do better than all your ancestors before you in 4000 years of history ? yeah right ! haha.
so im telling you, you are wrong.

you trust some kind of inbetweeners while the truth is right in front of you, are you dumb ?
what can we believe in all those medias and pictures anyway ?
where are they leading you ?
iniquity and blood.

Ecrit par noals, le Vendredi 15 Février 2013, 10:37 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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