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on tue le temps comme on veux

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Mot de passe

Mot de passe oublié ?

tell me...
-human guinea pigs and instrumentalisation of the human kind.
-illegal implant
-immoral genetic engineering
-brain washing
-mind reading and raping.
-lies, illusions, enchantments
-weather modification

this world is so rotten.
tell me, what is your side ? ignorant fools or guilty son of bitches ?
you know, war is also usefull to erase some true witnesses or proofs...

think they really care about money ? you do care because they provoke the lack of it.
think they care about anything good anyway ? ...
God is all the creation, didnt you learnt that when you was young ?
it is the natural flow of things, it is eternal as you cant deny it because you are a part of it and reversely.
and so they try to show themself everywhere so they can simulate another supposed god for again even more manipulations perverting all that is natural for also even more control.
no love, no happyness, no joy, just over controlled shit.
satisfied in the world you live in ? sure "bon appétit"

imagine a world so rotten that they have to simulate another one to accept their actual living but then, their simulation is rotting as well because they never learn nor change their ways, forgetting where they are from, not knowing where they are going, in what fucking layer are we ?

sure, they can show you "amazing" stuff and so you're like "ohh, thats so great, ~ " totally charmed, use your brain, damn it.
they even talk openely about their ways because nobody would take it seriously... so how are we supposed to take it ? a joke ? a time and space control and manipulation illusion ?
how many generations or dimensions of bastards should be slaughtered before i can really and naturally enjoy something good ?
bitumen, tar, pollution, noise, you're no human, are you ?

i will tell you one good thing, its not us who need the system, it is the system that needs us.

Ecrit par noals, le Samedi 6 Avril 2013, 13:18 dans la rubrique previous articles.
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