Trier par : Date, Titre
- 16/02/25 - just passing by
- 04/03/17 - i play with virtual peoples.
- 14/05/16 - news
- 27/03/15 - title 11
- 11/03/15 - title 10
- 10/02/15 - title 9
- 14/09/14 - mécanique de la causalité
- 31/08/14 - title 4
- 31/08/14 - title 8
- 31/08/14 - title 7
- 31/08/14 - title 6
- 31/08/14 - title 5
- 31/08/14 - title 3
- 31/08/14 - title 2
- 31/08/14 - title 1
- 27/08/14 - in fact
- 05/04/14 - brain-raped slaves
- 07/03/14 - sunday / censorship
- 05/03/14 - jobs and unemployment
- 24/02/14 - string theory gibberish 2
- 17/02/14 - corrupted
- 13/02/14 - string theory gibberish
- 10/02/14 - reach
- 07/02/14 - spreading
- 31/01/14 - purity
- 11/08/13 - silence
- 31/07/13 - rising
- 28/07/13 - power
- 18/06/13 - habacuc 2.4
- 10/05/13 - my district
- 10/05/13 - more clear.
- 09/05/13 - guitars
- 09/05/13 - the point of my ennemies
- 09/05/13 - its always the same anyway
- 08/05/13 - dont take me wrong
- 07/05/13 - random time 4
- 05/05/13 - illusions or reality
- 04/05/13 - double meaning
- 03/05/13 - perception
- 01/05/13 - "feeding on you"
- 30/04/13 - your doing follow you.
- 27/04/13 - illusion of time
- 25/04/13 - walking
- 24/04/13 - "did you know any of that before me ?"
- 24/04/13 - wait them at the turn,
- 23/04/13 - im boring
- 23/04/13 - dumb question of the day
- 22/04/13 - priorities
- 21/04/13 - extremism ?
- 21/04/13 - the bastard that wasnt bothering me.
- 20/04/13 - and again
- 20/04/13 - simulation
- 20/04/13 - news...
- 19/04/13 - creationism
- 19/04/13 - saying something and its opposite
- 19/04/13 - things you cannot prove
- 14/04/13 - immigration again
- 12/04/13 - history
- 12/04/13 - brainwashing
- 11/04/13 - nothing good can come from immigration.
- 07/04/13 - unbelievable
- 07/04/13 - au passage
- 07/04/13 - big bang
- 06/04/13 - tell me...
- 06/04/13 - bastards in the shell : guilty
- 04/04/13 - sandwitches
- 03/04/13 - compare
- 28/03/13 - nothing better to do
- 27/03/13 - missplaced
- 26/03/13 - Jeremiah 2
- 25/03/13 - "pros"
- 23/03/13 - divide to better reign.
- 22/03/13 - war
- 21/03/13 - revelation ?
- 19/03/13 - less obvious.
- 18/03/13 - just writing
- 18/03/13 - lets talk about hope
- 15/03/13 - let me give you a tip obama
- 15/03/13 - dreams
- 14/03/13 - forgiveness
- 10/03/13 - some people are stupid
- 08/03/13 - un peu de françois
- 02/03/13 - garage
- 28/02/13 - nihilism,
- 26/02/13 - convenience,
- 25/02/13 - the synagogue of satan
- 21/02/13 - free will
- 15/02/13 - so, how do you like hell ?
- 11/02/13 - for each one his country, for each one his legacy.
- 09/02/13 - by the way
- 08/02/13 - propaganda
- 02/02/13 - bla bla
- 26/01/13 - hazard
- 25/01/13 - machines and protocols
- 23/01/13 - influences and powers.
- 19/01/13 - title...
- 04/01/13 - random time 3
- 30/12/12 - words
- 29/12/12 - just to be clear
- 28/12/12 - some stuff to write
- 18/12/12 - hey, mister obama !
- 11/09/12 - links
- 26/05/12 - things less obvious ?
- 25/05/12 - my enemies
- 19/05/12 - no, i wasn't born at 30
- 23/04/12 - since when testaments are written by witnesses ?
- 21/04/12 - John Lennon sacrified himself for you !
- 20/04/12 - hidden truth
- 27/03/12 - pour ceux qui veulent me contacter.
- 26/03/12 - les pensées sont vaines, c'est la réflexion qui est utile.
- 23/03/12 - t'en a qui croivent
- 22/03/12 - random time 2
- 20/03/12 - des causes et des conséquences
- 19/03/12 - t'en a qui sondent.
- 16/03/12 - malheur à qui rend le mal pour le bien.
- 12/03/12 - mes ennemis sont tellement fort qu'ils ont besoin de renforts quand je dors.
- 11/03/12 - Le Livre d'Enoch
- 02/03/12 - j'm'ennuie.
- 29/02/12 - t'as ceux qui choisissent la vie, d'autres qui choisissent le pouvoir.
- 03/02/12 - un titre comme un autre
- 24/01/12 - des trucs qui trainent.
- 04/12/11 - quand vous aurez fini de copier le passé, peut-être qu'on pourra avancer vers l'avenir.
- 28/11/11 - entrainements d'il y a plusieurs mois
- 23/11/11 - les papiers
- 22/11/11 - tapotons, tapotons
- 21/11/11 - foutage de gueule supraluminique
- 19/11/11 - random time
- 08/10/11 - lalala lalala
- 16/01/11 - jd2-3
- 24/06/08 - j'pense à un truc
- 28/10/06 -
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